This is the link to room 7's D2L site. Please go to this site to find:
- Weekly Spelling Lists
- Weekly Reading Pages
- Weekly Poems
- Books that we have done in class
- Weekly Spelling Lists
- Weekly Reading Pages
- Weekly Poems
- Books that we have done in class
We went to library today so your son / daughter should be bringing home a new library book to read with you this evening.
We are going on a Field trip!
Heritage Park - April 13, 2011
Please fill out the forms that have been sent home and return them with $10.00.
Today we reviewed some of what we have learned about our five senses.
Please see below to review what we learned.
I have five senses.
My eyes can see.
I hear with my ears.
My nose can smell.
My hands can touch.
I can taste food with my tongue.
Today we wrote another story together to help us learn to use the following words to organize our thoughts: First, Then, Next, Finally
Parents - Please have your son / daughter read what we have written below:
Joan Goes To The Park
One day Joan walked to the park with her mom and dad.
First she went down the slide.
Then her mom pushed her on the tire swings.
Next she went up the ladder.
Then she went on the monkey bars.
Next she climbed a tree.
Finally her mom and dad took her home.