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Our Grade One Performance is on Tuesday April 19, 2011.
Please bring a pair of sunglasses and wear black clothes for this event.
We completed our fifteenth spelling test today which continued to include a total of eight words -- six words from this week's list plus two "mystery" words from previous spelling lists. Our spelling books and a new word list for next week's spelling homework will come home tomorrow.
Last week we wrote about our trip to Heritage Park.
Below is the writing that each student completed.
They are listed in alphabetical order by first name.
Thorpe's House
Yesterday I went to the Thorps' house. Yesterday we playd with toys. The pepl who lev thir they hev 8 children.
Prince's House
Yesterday we went to Prince's house. Mr. Prince had very mane manee. Mr. Prince had a maid. Mr. Prince had two kids. Mr. Prince had a pino. Mr. Prince's kids have toys. Mr. Prince had a door and stairs that lead to the upstairs from the kitchen. A.G.
Yesterday we went to Heritage Park. I went in the Prince's house. The Prince's have 2 children. The toys were fun but the acrobat was the most fun. We went in the park. We went on a bus to get there. The chairs wer made out of wood. We went up strs to see the bed roms. It was fun. A.M.
Thorpe's House
We went to the Thorpe's house yestrday. We so wodein chrs. There is a secrret door. Upsers they have a cast but its not the cast that pirets have. The peepale that livd in that house they have 8 kids. They have a fone there. The peple that levd there they are ded. I playd with the acrobat at the Thorpe's house. B.S.
Prince's House
The prince's house had a piano. There was mannaequins. We went to prince's house yesterday. Ther was a pantry and it had a door. There was wooden chirs. There was a gramophone that plays music. There was a meres on the door. There were creepy dolls. The ice man came 2 or 3 times a week. They had rockeing horses. There were two childrin. C.L.
Thorpe's House
We played with toys. There was an acrobat, ball and cup, buzz saw, Jacob's ladder. They had eight choldrin and one dog named spot. There were a piano. There were wood chirs. They had a weerd frige. There was not a fire playce. It was fun. Evry one played with wooden toys. There was a window. C.L.
Thorpe's House
The sink was very drfrt. It did not have the tap. The Thorpe's did not have very math money as the Princes. There was 4 drfrt toy. The Thorpes have eight chidren. There was a brown tellafan. It was fun. The Thorpe's did not have a butlre. I played with the ball in cup and it was fun. The Thorpe's have wodin chrs. G.M.
Thorpe's House
Yestreday my class went to Heritage Park. The Thorpe's didin't have as much money as the Prince. The Thorpe's still have ther clothes in ther house. The Thorpe's had a brown tellaphone and a steel stov. The Thorpe's had 4 toys. It was fun to go to Heritage Park. The Thorper's had wood en chiars. H.S.
Prince's House
In the Prince's house I saw a rocking horse. It was wooden. I saw a kitchn and pots and plates and cups. I saw bedrooms. J.D.
Prince's House
Yesterday we went to the Prince's house and the Princes' hava 2 children and a butler and maid. The Prince's had lots of money. The Prince's had a wooden toy and gramophone that play music. The Prince's had a difrant kitchen. The Prince's had bedrooms and a diningroom. K.G.
Prince's House
Yesterday I went to Heritage Park with my class. We went inside the Prince's house. They had two children. In the two rooms ther was some mannequins. Mistr Prince had lots of money. In the one room they had lots of toys. Ther wor a rocking horse and little soldiers with guns. The peple are ded now. It was so much fun. K.B.
Thorpe's House
The Thorpe's hom had pictures and we played with toys. They are made from wood. I played with an acrobat. I played with a buzz saw. I played with a ball and cup. I played with a Jacobs' ladder. L.C.
Prince's House
It had freck pepl up stars. We got to play with 4 toys downstars. They had a woodn phone. We do not have one. It was down star. They had 2 children. The pepl that yosto live there are ded. We did't see the tran. They had a piano. It had a big h. The lamp was alot different when awrs. N.G.
Thorpe's House
Yesterday I went to Heritage Park and I saw wooden toys. The first toy was the ball and cup. The second toy was the acrobat and the therde toy was the buzz saw and the forth toy was the Jacob's ladder. The fridge was not the same fridge like we have. They had eight children. They had chests that looked like pirates chests and they had a gramo phone that plays music and the pepole are dead. They had a dog named Spot. The toilet wasent same. They had a brown wooden phone. R.S.
Thorpe's House
The Thorpes had 8 children and a dog named Spot. Yesterday I went to Heritage Park. I saw the Prince's house and the Thorpe's house and I got to play on the park and I played with toys in the Thorpe's house. They are maked from wooden and I saw a piano and I saw a lamp. I played with the buzz saw. The Prince's house was big. R.P.
Prince's House
I went to the Prince's house and we saw the gramphone and I sow they had a lot av money. The pelop are dad. They had a piano and they had a dog. We went up strs to the bedrooms. We sow toys in the bedrooms. We sow tresure chests in the bed rooms. We sow wod chars in the cahan. It was fun. My mam came with us. S.A.
Thorpe's House
It is a wood phone. We got to play a spinning toy and it was fun. They had difrant chairs. T.M.
Thorpe's House
Yesterday I went to Heritage Park. I saw a mirror on the door. We saw mannequins in the room. The Thorpe's have 8 children. I saw wooden chairs. We playd with wooden toys. We saw dols in the room. We saw majic door. I playd with Thorpe's toys. We played with a buzz saw. We playad with a acrobat. I saw a pot. We want up sias. We play with toys. We saw suf and old thagi. Z.B.
Thorpe's House
The Thorpes have 8 children and have a dog named Spot. They had 4 woodinen toys: 1. buzz saw
2. Jacob's ladder
3. acrobat
4. ball and cup
Yesterday we went to Heritage Park. They have a tellaphan. They have a brown woodin char. It wus difrint then aurs and the stoav is mad out ove wood. It was fun. The Thorpes had a dog. Z. H.